- Follow this simple curry recipe and make your own delicious meal!
Prep time: 15 mins - Cooking time: 30 mins
- Serves: 2 – 3 persons
- Glowing Natural House Blended Indian Curry Spice Mix (15 g)
- Tempeh, diced (220 – 250 g)
- Mushrooms, diced (250 g)
- Okra, cut on the diagonal (10 – 12 pieces)
- Green beans, cut on the diagonal (100 g)
- Green lentils (50 g)
- Cherry tomatoes, halved (20 pieces)
- Onion, halved and sliced (1 piece)
- Coconut milk (400 ml)
- Canola Oil / Extra Virgin Olive Oil (2 teaspoons)
- Garlic, minced (5 cloves)
- Grated ginger
- Chili
- Salt & Pepper
- Heat up wok or deep saucepan with a bit of oil of your choice. One teaspoon is enough. I would personally use Extra Virgin Olive Oil with a 203°C heat point.
- Adjust to medium heat and add in onion. Give it a stir and cook for 1 min. Add garlic and chili and cook for another minute. If the work or saucepan is getting dry, add a bit of water.
- Put in Glowing Natural Indian Curry Spice Mix, stir well. Do not add in salt for now (Tip: lentils will not go soft when they meet salt as their shells grow hard).
- Add in lentils and tempeh. Stir well to mix with the spices. Close the lid of the wok or saucepan. Check again if the mixture is too dry; if so, add more water before closing the lid. Turn to low heat to cook for 8 – 10 mins. Keep checking the moisture level and repeat the above steps.
- Check if the lentils are cooked well. If they are soft, add in green beans and okra. Add salt and pepper as well as the grated ginger. Keep stirring using a spatula. Make sure to get to the bottom of the wok / sauce pan and that the lentils do not stick to the bottom, otherwise they might get burnt.
- Add cherry tomatoes and coconut milk.
- Give the curry a taste and enhance it with more spices, chili and salt as needed.
- Put onto a plate and eat with naan bread, rice, potato or bread.
I hope you liked this curry recipe. Enjoy the meal!
(Recipe provided by Katie Tang.)
- 預備時間:15 分
- 鐘烹調時間:30 分鐘
- 分量:2 至 3 人
- Glowing Natural 自家調配印度咖哩香料 (15 g)
- 發酵黃豆餅, 切粗塊 (220 – 250 g)
- 蘑菇, 切粗粒 (250 g)
- 秋葵, 斜切 (10 – 12 個)
- 豆角, 斜切 (100 g)
- 綠扁豆 (50 g)
- 車厘茄, 切半 (20 粒)
- 洋蔥, 切薄片 (1 個)
- 椰奶 (400 ml)
- 芥花籽油 / 初榨橄欖油 (2 茶匙)
- 蒜蓉 (5 粒)
- 薑蓉 (酌量)
- 辣椒 (酌量)
- 鹽和黑椒 (酌量)
- 放少許油起鑊,大概一茶匙。 我多數是用有機初搾橄欖油 (熱點是攝氏203度.)
- 調到中火,加入洋蔥,拌勻大約1分鐘,加入蒜蓉及辣椒,再煮大約1分鐘。加入少許水一齊煮。
- 加入Glowing Natural自家調配印度咖喱香料,及不要在這個時候落鹽。(提示:小扁豆會因遇鹽,外殼會變硬,之後一直不變軟。)
- 留意綠扁豆有否煮熟及黐底。
- 加入車厘茄及椰奶。
- 試味。可再調入適量香料。
- 配上印度手拍薄餅、飯、薯仔、麵包享用。
Enjoy the meal!
(食譜提供者: Katie Tang)